Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Engish Muffin Pizzas

This is a recipe that my mom and I used to use when I was growing up. Somethings are difficult to give up, specially if they are so yummy

4 Thomas English Multi-Grain Muffins
2 cup Spaghetti sauce (or pizza sauce)
1-2 cup Cheese (this depends how much cheese you like)
1 cup left over seasoned Meat (hamburger, peperoni, whatever you have around)
1/4 small onion (optional)

Place and Prices
Thomas English Multi-Grain Muffins
When we went shopping there was a special 3 for $3--so we stocked up and put some in the freezer and on this particular day if you bought at least $5 you got your choose of one of the following free items; loaf of bread, more English muffins (Wonder Bread Shop---they always have cheap bread here)
Spaghetti sauce
$0.99 a jar (Aldis)
2 for $5 (Quality)---I usually don't buy cheese unless it's on sale
in our freezer from our family friends the Bunker's who are Free Range Farmers

1. preheat oven at 350 degrees
2. cut onion and place on the side to be used later
3. cut English Muffins and place them on an ungreased pan in the oven at 350 degrees until lightly toasted
4. Prepare the muffins on the same pan that you toasted them on.
5. Layer the toasted muffins with sauce, cheese, meat and onion.
6. Place in pan in the over (350 degrees) and cook pizzas until the cheese looks melted

Personal Note: I think that this will easily become one our family favorites

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